Prayers please

Here is Ingrid's request - and mine as well - for a safe delivery of Amberleigh Grace.

Hello my dear family and friends -

I thought I would update you all based on my appointment with my OB today. :)

I already knew that I would most likely be induced a little bit early since I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around 2 or 3 weeks ago, but to go in today and hear "You have an appointment Tuesday morning for an induction" kinda made me lose my balance! (Maybe it was just my giant belly, but I think it was a combination of the 2...).

So, that means: God-willing, we will meet little Amberleigh sometime on Tuesday the 21st (yikes! That's 4 days!) !

I am to report to the hospital at 6 am (6 am!) to begin the pitocin drip, and if it goes anything like last time, she'll be born sometime in the afternoon.
Needless to say, Andy and I are very excited, but also in somewhat-panic-mode since we still have some last minute things to accomplish!

We greatly appreciate your prayers during this time - that everything would go smoothly and we can welcome a healthy baby girl!

I can't promise any "immediate phone calls" or emails, but we will let you know as soon as we can when it happens!

Love you all!


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