Baby, baby!

Amberleigh Grace is such a cutie, with a head full of fuzzy hair. She arrived on the 21st, and has been "easy" from a Nana's perspective. Now, admittedly, I don't have to stay up at night to feed her, making sure she doesn't succumb to jaundice. But otherwise, she's a quiet one.

Then there is Timothy, born on the 11th. Anyone who reads this I hope will say a prayer for his health and his parents' calm assurance. Timothy is back in the hospital, dehydrated and not wanting to eat much. I'm hoping this will be a faded memory in the not too distant future - "oh, yeah, Timothy was in ICU for a while, wasn't he?" Please, Lord, as the great Healer, strengthen his little body and give him the spark he needs.

Oliver just gets cuter and cuter, and is grabbing for everything now. He may be teething.

Ashley is soooo funny, but is dealing with the internal struggle of baby sister on the scene.

That's all for now, folks. Love those babies!

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