Adding a hair to my head

Or not! I've been accused of worrying too much, and I must admit that I do. I'm not proud of it, but I do try to excuse it as concern.

Let me lay out that excuse for you: I'm inquisitive by nature. I like to be in the know. Details of that knowledge are important to me. Being prepared for any eventuality is also high on my importance scale. So with the advent of the Internet, and all that knowledge at my fingertips, why wouldn't I want to be prepared for any eventuality by looking up information?

For example, what would 4 1/2 hours of pushing do to a baby? How yellow does an infant have to be before you get brain damage? How long is it before a baby's head goes back to a "normal" shape, and what are the ramifications if it doesn't? How long can a plane stay in the air with one engine? What are those thumping noises coming from the belly of the plane? Okay, so you get the picture.

It's not like I'm panicking about any of the above. I just want to know so that I can either breathe a sigh of relief, or I can do something about it, or I can resign myself to the fact that nothing can be done. Does that constitute worry? Maybe it's my "workaround" for worry.

But in the end, the Bible tells me that no amount of worry will add a hair to my head or a day to my life. Quite the contrary. See all those hairs lying around???

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