Good morning, good afternoon, good night!

What's the shortest hour of the day? The one right before the alarm goes off.
What's the longest hour of the day? The hour before nap time!

We've really been enjoying Ashley and Amberleigh. Once you get into a routine, it's really not so bad. Hahahahaha. Like I said, I know why young women have kids!

Seriously, it has been fun to kiss, hug, snuggle, paint, ride, walk, match, etc with eager little minds and fingers. I only wish we could do the same with Timmy and Oliver. I'm really afraid that they won't ever really know their Nana and Papa Elfstrand. And we will only know them from afar.

Life in the day to day is so important for memory making. But we can't have it all, I guess.

In a few short hours, Gramma W will be picking up the girls for her turn. And I'll be packing for a trip that starts at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Whew! Good night! I hope... :-)

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