What do you know?

I know that I'm not "lagging" as badly as I thought I would upon return from a 12 day trip to Israel!
Here are a few things I learned on the trip...
Drink water, drink water, drink water!
Never pass up a bathroom!
Drink more water
400 years of American history is puny compared to the 6000 years of history under our feet and in front of our eyes every day there in Israel
The city of Jerusalem is like an ice cream cone wedged between hamburger buns ... just ask Walt McCord
I'm sad about the Temple Mount
I sobbed at the children's memorial of Yad Vashem
One and a half hours is only a FRACTION of the time it would take to get through that memorial!
The Dead Sea could kill you if you drink it, but we buy everything we can get our hands on if it is made from Dead Sea mud
I love the Sea of Galilee
100 degrees in the shade is okay, since it is a "dry heat" - wink wink
Don't try to take Tira Misu into a kosher dining room
Tuna is pretty good for breakfast, even with bits of lemon and pickles in it
A tel is a layer cake of civilization
Jesus said everything that was worth saying, in a period of history that pretty much summed up life
Sea Bands really work
You can sleep just about anywhere (like cramped in an airline seat in between two people) if you are exhausted
The Dome of the Rock does not house an area where Abraham was to sacrifice Ishmael (read your Bible)
Information coming at you all day has to be processed somewhere away from people
It takes reflection time to comprehend that God, Who became man, walked this area
Drink more water
Never pass up a bathroom (and make sure you have some tissue with you!)
There are waterfalls in Israel!
Walking is good for you ... they tell me ... but it was really starting to hurt
A good pair of shoes is worth it!
Everything that is brass is not gold
The majority of the people are friendly
It is safer in Israel than in Chicago
You can make some very good friends on a tour bus, as a captive audience of 45 for 12 days
Don't sit on the model of Bet She'an, even if it does seem to have a sitting ledge around it
I wish I'd been an archeologist - Israel is incredible!
Zing, zing, zing... Zebulun!