We take it for granted

We take every breath for granted.
Every bite of food.
Every step we take.

We almost have to, or we'd be stymied most of the day. But once in a while, just sit back and thank God that you can do those things. And that the ones you love can do those things. Because not everyone can, you know?

You can read Marshall and Lara's blog (mostly Lara, of course!) about what is going on in their lives. Believe me, they don't take those things for granted.

Last night, at midnight, a nurse friend of theirs came over to alleviate some of the anxiety over Timmy's nourishment by placing an NG tube in. Right now, Timmy can eat strained solids fairly well, but he isn't taking fluids (nursing) very well. He needs to conserve his strength so that what he does take in will help him develop and grow.

Here he is grasping Daddy's finger while drifting off with a full tummy. Praise God for Marshall and Lara. Praise God for their medical friends. And read the blog for even more praises.

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