Daily encouragement

When I was talking (online) with Marshall last evening, I found it very encouraging to know that both he and Lara are taking one day at a time, and enjoying the fact that Timmy is a happy baby right now. That is good news!

In the see-saw of emotions and life situations, we'll need to look back at the encouragements along the way. One such came from a coworker whose daughter has had two bouts with a brain tumor. He has learned to lean on God's grace every step of the way, and that perhaps that very exercise of leaning is what he is to learn in the process. So here is his encouragement for the day. Don't get tripped up by the "old English." You may just have to read it slowly and interpret it as you go...

A quote from The Imitation of Christ that has encouraged us and has helped us to keep a perspective as we pray – “Neither is it any such great thing if a man be devout and fervent when he feeleth no affliction; but if in times of adversity he bear himself patiently, then there is hope of great progress in grace”.

May all of you experience His grace in daily doses.

Thanks, Dave!

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