What's going on in there?

I know where the keys are on the keyboard. I kind of guess at street signs by the length of the name. The numbers on my glowing alarm clock look quite fine. But obviously, there is something changing with my eyes.

Oh, yes, the doctor warned me three years ago that I should go ahead and get glasses. But vanity took over and I just kept guessing at street signs and depending on my habitual typing. But it's a new year, so I thought I'd go get an eye exam this morning. I almost hate to admit it.

At 38, my perfect vision started slipping. While sitting in the bathtub one day, I noticed that the writing on the shampoo bottle was fuzzy. So that started the long line of reading glasses. Now I have a pair by every phone, every computer, and one in my purse.

The good news is that I had my eyes dilated and the doctor said I have very healthy retinas. Good! But, unfortunately, I need trifocals. Yes, trifocials - reading, computer, and distance. My "perfect" 20/20 vision has slipped to ... eeek ... 20/80. As a matter of fact, the doctor asked if I had gotten a license lately. What does that tell you? That people are getting their licenses renewed over the Internet, or just because it's time to renew, with no thought to having a new vision test. She told me I would have flunked. I don't like flunking anything.

So until my funky new glasses arrive on Tuesday, I'm continuing to back away from the screen just to get the right perspective.

I'll have to post a picture of my four eyes.

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