that's what blogs are for

When I wrote about avatars, little did I think that the most vitriolic response would be from my own children. Just goes to show you, I guess.

I was raised in a legalistic home - well, one of my parents was, and the other was hard to read. However, that legalism wasn't in the sense of doing only that which was holy. It was a confused mixture of social and theological liberalism, and straining at gnats. I certainly don't want to follow that pattern.

However, as I got older (and hopefully wiser) and began to search the Scriptures myself, I came to find out that there was no foundation really to what I was taught. I felt like I had to learn all over again what was true, what was right, what was holy, what was salvation, who was Jesus.

The combination of my upbringing and my study has brought me to a point where Truth is very important to me. And that acceptance of falsehood or of a creeping of falsehood (no matter under what guise) would not be tolerated. Okay, so maybe it doesn't bother you... but it bothers me. And since this is my blog, it can continue to bother me. So there!

You pick your battles, I'll pick mine. One of mine is to make sure I don't mix falsehood with fact. And that I don't blithely accept something I shouldn't. If it is no big deal, show me in Scripture where it shouldn't be a big deal, and I'll be glad to look at that.

Besides, isn't that what blogs are for? And in return, that's what the comment section is for...

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