Would you like cheese with that whine?

Can anyone tell me when I'll quit worrying about my children? Okay, I know that "worry" is not what Christians are about. It is to be "concern" followed by prayer; but it may just be semantics. So, to make myself and you, Dear Reader, feel better, I'll use the word "concern."

I'm concerned about my children's marriages, their health, their spiritual discipline(s), and their futures. I try to remind myself that all of these things are in the hands of God, Who loves them infinitely more than I ever could, and also has the power to do something about it. But then I'm reminded of the quotable quote of a little boy in Sunday School: I need someone with skin on. And yes, I know that Jesus is that person, but frankly, He doesn't visit me in the flesh (not that I know of).

When Mark (hubby) and I took spiritual gift inventories years ago, Mark scored way HIGH on faith, and I scored abysmally LOW. That was helpful to me, because I think my faith quotient really has increased over the years, and yet I still worry (yes, I said worry).

If nothing else, these worries sure have increased my prayer time. I can't say that I have a prayer closet, or even a set aside prayer time each day. But I pray OFTEN throughout the day, in any and every spare moment. If you're reading this, would you please pray for me, too?

Someone please pass the cheese ...

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