
There is really nothing new under the sun. When my family was getting set to leave the country in 1967 (no, we weren't escaping the Viet Nam era. My dad was assigned to Japan.), we stopped in San Francisco to visit my uncle. He was attending Berkeley for his doctoral program. Yes, the heyday of Berkeley. While we were in San Francisco, we took a side tour through Haight-Ashbury. During a stop, I picked up a free Haight-Ashbury newspaper. Well, "newspaper" in a loose sense. Very loose.

Stream of consciousness, anything goes, question everything, don't tell me what to do or what not to do. And so went the sixties. What goes around comes around, and the children of the children of the sixties are now reliving our experiences -- in the blogging world. The main difference is that now anyone with a computer can choose to read the stream of consciousness, anything goes, question everything, don't tell me ...

So my dilemma is this: do I put brakes on or not when it comes to venting via the Internet? Frankly, I'm constantly second guessing myself as to who might be reading it. What if a total stranger is reading this? How much do I want them to know? What if my kids are reading this? How much do I want THEM to know? Do I run the risk of hurting anyone's feelings? Should I care?

When it comes right down to it, I do have a few healthy inhibitions. And one of those is "choosing my words carefully. " Communication via the spoken, written, and electronically-enhanced word is a gift of the human mind. I can share mine with you, but also realize that I have a quasi-responsibility to you not to patently offend.

In the meantime, I DO intend to use this blog to ramble about things that are affecting me -- things like my job (oops) or my kids (eeek) or my stage of life (hold on to your inner tube), or my memories and dreams. I will be careful when I choose from all those random thoughts bouncing around inside the gray matter. Because not all of them are worth sharing.

And now, Amanda, I'm going back to work. ...smile...

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