Easier said than done ...

Okay, so I just read Britany's post regarding the fact that she can't finish anything. Well, I start things, finish them, and then let them lie there forever, never to be renewed. Therefore, I have a family webpage that rarely gets updated, pictures that sit in their original cardboard frames (no lovely matting or framing), etc. Is this just another something that I will begin and not return to? No, please (or is it, no, thank you).

Maybe this will fulfill my need to empty my brain at the end of the day. But someone will have to "blog" my memory, or it won't get done. Some people have memories like steel traps. I have a memory like a steel sieve, give or take a few facts.

I'm looking forward to this, especially since my kids seem to be enjoying theirs. Ssssh, don't tell them that the parental units are actually technologically savvy. Until the next time I remember to jump off a blog ...

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