
We make a lot of decisions based on weather. Good or bad, it affects not only farmers, but commuters, teachers, kids, the elderly, travelers ... We determine our day based on what we see outside. Or what we expect to see.

Snow storm, they said. Three to eight inches starting at midnight, they said. 90 percent sure of it, they said. 

Could be that is true in some areas, just not here in the northerly parts of our zip code. We got two inches maybe. Enough so the dog romped out the back door. But even my Corolla could get out of the driveway in this.

We totally changed our weekend plans because of the weather forecast. A flight was scheduled for this morning - oops, might be 8 inches of snow and a cancelled flight. So.... rescheduled the flight for last night, had to reserve a hotel room at the other end, have to go pick up a car in the extended lot of the airport, Papa missed playing with the grandgirls (they were coming over because he was leaving the next day) ... all because we believed the weather report. 

Just for fun, I'm going to check the flights for Southwest. Frankly, I'll feel a whole lot better if some of them are cancelled. It will make our machinations more palatable. 

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