No triskadecaphobia here!

In 1980, February 13 fell on a Wednesday. How could that be indelibly etched in my memory?

I went to see my favorite hairstylist that morning - Cindy. She asked me not to have a baby in the salon, as I was just a few days over my due date. I assured her I was fine, thanks.

So, newly coiffed, I ate my lunch, puttered around the little grey house, put Marshall down for a nap, and continued puttering.

Around 4:30 I felt "something" happening. I called Mark, followed by calling Sharon, who was to be my backup coach, given the fact that Mister Dad bailed out the first time. I decided to lie down to see if the contractions would continue, and also so I could concentrate on my breathing.

Finally, we decided we needed to get Marshall to the babysitter, and jump in the car for Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital.

After much breathing, no meds, and pushing/shoving/pushing, Adam Richard Elfstrand made his debut at 7:37 PM (like the plane has landed!). All 12 pounds and 4 ounces of him! He looked like he had been through a fight, and I have to tell you, he had been.

I shook and shook after that - the muscles begging for oxygen. The nurses joked that they should get us a bicycle so he could ride home. How appropriate! Today, Adam is an avid biker.

Adam was the second largest baby ever born at that hospital, and that warranted a newspaper article, quipping that the Green Bay Packers were on the doorstep asking for him.

Today is your day, Adam! You are such a gifted, handsome, humorous, and loving man. God has blessed us and you greatly.


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