Mom was right

Mom always said I was a worrier. She was right. There are just way too many things out of my control. Take, for example, the weather. 

Knowing that the last time I ignored the weatherman, I paid for it with a 4 1/2 hour commute (one way), I was determined not to duplicate that mistake. So, when they said driving would be treacherous (which I guess it was this morning and would have taken me 2 hours to get to work), I decided that working from home would be more efficient. Snow in the form of 3-8 inches was to fall in late afternoon, snarling rush hour traffic...using the term "rush" loosely of course.

I'm looking out the window just before dark and nary a flake in sight. I feel like a wimp.

Oh, but that's not all! I got a phone call from my director, who is waiting in Cincinnati to help set up for a conference. The product was (I repeat "was") to have arrived anytime from Monday through Wednesday. Today is Friday. No product. I'm toast. No one left in Distribution, but one. He says he overheard a conversation that the trucking company messed up and will deliver at 8 tonight!!! Yipes! They'd better! Now I have to be anxious over a trucking company not getting product where it belongs because that is my job to be anxious over these things!

Ah, now I feel better just venting. Not...

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