I'll Meet You There!
God has been so gracious throughout this time of human grief. Some of the "timing" issues that the Lord has brought to mind are:
Some encouraging thoughts brought up at the memorial service and brought to mind this morning:
- Marshall's unemployment as of December 15 meant that he was able to spend the last month of Timmy's life with him.
- Marshall's employment search elsewhere means that if Timmy had passed away later, the family and friends surrounding Marshall, Lara, and Timmy would not have been there.
- Friends visited from out of town the day before Timmy's death, causing Marshall and Lara to stay home (they had planned to be at Disney all day)
- Both nurse friends were available for insight and encouragement
- Timmy was at home in his mama's arms, with his daddy holding his mama - and the FATHER holds them all
Some encouraging thoughts brought up at the memorial service and brought to mind this morning:
- The arms that Timmy could not lift are now being raised in praise to the Almighty God.
- The legs that didn't serve Timmy here are now kneeling before His maker.
- Great Grandpa Nelson is meeting Timmy around the Throne of God!
- Great Grandpa Nelson can see him!
- All tears have been wiped away.
- And in an instant any one of us are there with them. If we are called children of God.
- For Marshall's interview on Thursday - wisdom, insight, and fulfillment of purpose.
- That the praises would be brought to mind when tempted to despair.