Change, change, change

Some of us love change, and some of us love stability, and some of us realize that balance is the key. Here is that test to check your stress level. I have a reason for putting it here, of course. You won't be able to get your score unless you actually take the test on their website. Or you can add them up yourself.

Stress Test
Find your stress level by checking the events you have experienced in your life in the last year.
Check any event that applies to you then click on "Calculate My Total Stress Units" to get your score.

Question 1 of 8
Your Finances
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan (30)
Mortgage or loan less than $10,000 (18)
Mortgage more than $10,000 (31)
Change in financial state (38)

Question 2 of 8
Your Living Conditions
Change in living conditions (25)
Change in residence (20)
Change in recreation (19)
Change in church activities (19)
Change in sleeping habits (16)
Change in eating habits (15)

Question 3 of 8
Your Family and Personal Life
Death of a Spouse (100)
Death of a Close Family Member (63)
Divorce (73)
Marital Separation (65)
Marriage (50)
Marital Reconciliation (45)
Retirement (45)
Pregnancy (40)
Gain of new family member (39)
Death of close friend (37)
Son or daughter leaving home (29)
Trouble with in-laws (29)
Outstanding personal achievement (28)
Change in number of arguments with spouse (35)
Wife begins or stops work (26)
Revision of personal habits (24)
Change in number of family members (15)

Question 4 of 8
You and the Law
Jail term (63)
Minor violations of the law (11)

Question 5 of 8
Your Work
Fired from work (47)
Business readjustment (39)
Change to different line of work (36)
Change in responsibilities at work (29)
Change in work hours or conditions (20)
Trouble with boss (23)

Question 6 of 8
Vacation (13)
Christmas (12)

Question 7 of 8
Your Education
Begin or end school (26)
Change in schools (20)

Question 8 of 8
Your Health
Personal injury or illness (44)
Change in health of family member (39)
Sex difficulties (63)

I was messaging with Lara yesterday and realized (I guess it just came back to mind, because I always knew it) just how many major stressors they've had in the last month or so. But here's the trump card: Jesus. That may sound trite, but along with Jesus comes His assurance of eternity, His body of believers, and His sufficiency.

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