The Decaf Wars

Starbucks no longer has decaf in the afternoon. True or False?
Caribou is giving away decaf tomorrow afternoon. True or False?

Those are the business news reports, but look a little deeper and you'll see a lot of hype.

You get people totally unnerved that Starbucks could quit serving decaf at the very time that people presumably switch over to decaf. NOW the truth: Starbucks will be serving decaf ON DEMAND! In other words, they will brew a pot of decaf when someone wants it, not letting a pot sit there without being consumed. I say that's responsible. I say that's FRESH COFFEE!!

Caribou has twisted the news, of course, and says they will give their customers anything, anytime, etc etc. So tomorrow afternoon, you can get a free 12 ounce cup of decaf. I say - grab the free coffee, but don't buy anything from them.

I've been on a Caribou boycott for several years now. Reason? They are owned by an Islamic bank. This is no email joke or hoax. Check it out for yourself.

Personally, I won't take my money to a place that may very well support more than a decaf war.

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