Sweet and Sour ... almost

Today was a sweet and sour day...

The sweet of it was the wedding shower that Janis and I had for Lori in the office. I made a strawberry pretzel salad and brought a decorated cake. We all got together, had devotions, a bit of fun, and gave her all sorts of containers with ingredients in them, along with a recipe for that ingredient. Sweet!

The sour of it - that ended up sweet - happened this morning at 0-dark-thirty, and I heard of it through a coworker. Not a good way to hear that your husband has been in an accident... but I'll let him tell you about it from the email I got later this morning:

I was in the center lane and came up on a snow plow. People had passed him on the left so I went into that lane. As I approached the plow, I noticed he was in the MIDDLE of the left and center lanes and I couldn’t get by. So I slowed down and pulled back in the center lane and then moved to the right lane. However, I did not see the semi in the right lane who banged into me, causing me to spin and come right back into his path. He hit me again and as I spun and stopped in the left lane before hitting the wall. I was able to move off to the side of the road. We exchanged information and I came to work. Less damage to the SUV than I thought there would be. No one else stopped. No injuries. No police. But I could have easily been seriously hurt. And if a policeman HAD come by, I would have been late to work.

So, there was a sweet to that sour. It could have been awful! And another blessing? He was driving the WMBI SUV, which is practically a tank. But then, it's probably because he was driving it that the accident occurred (see the part about not seeing through the windows...).


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