I'm telling

See the picture I use on my blog these days? It is a mirror image found on the Mac camera effects.

But something just struck me... does that make me duplicitous? Do I say one thing and do another? Am I one person at work and another at home? One at church and another anywhere else?

Truth be told, that's probably true.

I've always believed that example is a better teacher than words, but don't always live like I believe that. And since I "believe" that example is more important, I act one way around those whom I really feel need my good example, and then totally trash my spiritual integrity with those who know me best. How duplicitous is that?

You know what scares me? "Because you are lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth." Does that include those of us who swing from one side of the spectrum to another on a daily basis?

I mean, I point to the Scripture that says "let no unwholesome thing come from your mouth" and then damn the driver who cuts me off (and hey, I'm not even a NASCAR afficionado). Oops, sorry I used profanity, but really it was just to prove a point, right?

So, I'm telling you here and now that there is only one way that my words and my actions will ever line up. That's when I allow the Holy Spirit to control me, rather than thinking I can control me. Same goes for my food consumption, but that's for another day.

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