Remote Control

I come from a long line of control issue folks. My mom, being a Type 1 diabetic, was always super controlled about what she ate and when. My dad, on the other hand, was a food hoarder. We'd often find things hidden in the car or elsewhere.

So, you see, I have a history of food swings along with the mood swings. Sometimes I seem to have complete control over what and how much I eat ... other times, total abandon!

Long ago, before she became known as a heretic, I was a student of Gwen Shamblin. Initially, her Weigh Down Workshop methodology was all above board. I often wish I had those original VHS tapes. She interspersed physical tips with spiritual ones. The spiritual would always trump the physical, but both were absolutely necessary to stay within certain boundaries.

#1 ... Wait for stomach hunger. Some of us don't even remember what that feels or sounds like. The body is fearfully and wonderfully made. When your blood sugar drops to a certain level a signal is sent to the brain, which in turn sends a signal to the stomach to produce more gastric acid and beg for food. Cool how that works. In other words, wait for the growl. This tells you that your body does indeed need food.

#2 ... If and when you are truly stomach hungry (not just "hungry" because of the hour of the day, seeing friends eat, etc) choose what you are being called to eat. You may be drawn to something protein (which will keep you full longer) or maybe something fruity or crunchy vegetables (the need for certain vitamins and minerals).

#3 ... Keep it small. Use small plates. Small utensils. Small bites. Frequently it is the chewing sensation that is satisfying, rather than a full mouth.

#4 ... Chew slowly. Again, there is satisfaction in tasting the food and chewing it slowly helps it to last longer.

#5 ... Sip between bites. Not only does this slow you down, it gets more water into your system and aids in digestion, thereby getting the food into your bloodstream and allowing you to feel satisfied without overdoing it.

#6 ... Stop between bites. Put down your spoon or fork. This slows you down so you can enjoy what you are eating.

#7 ... Stop when you are satisfied. If hunger runs from Zero (starving!) to 10 (I can do nothing but get horizontal and groan), then you should aim to eat between about a 3 and 6/7. Practice paying attention.

But most importantly ... if hunger is not the problem, then food is not the answer! God is the answer! He has provided food when we need it, but otherwise, stop and pray and find out what is drawing you to food when you don't need it. Am I angry? Am I nervous? Am I bored? Am I being pressured?

This blog is primarily for my benefit, because my resolve comes and goes. But, God, You are good! You give me my meat in due season. I do not need to worry about what I eat. Please nudge me when I'm tempted to turn to food as my idol instead of turning to You as the one true source.

Thank You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (For more help, I downloaded the app entitled I Deserve a Donut. It helps to set appropriate boundaries and contains numerous Bible verses as reminders.)

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