No, Thank You

No, thank you. I'd like to decline membership.

I've just been admitted to a club I never wanted to join. As a matter of fact, Caroline (my favorite nurse so far) said, "Welcome to the club no one wants to be in." You see, she is also a member.

It's called The Breast Cancer Club. Whether you've just been diagnosed (me) or are in treatment or have been cleared for many years, you are part of the club. But I'm choosing to think that's okay. I have friends and acquaintances and friends yet to come who have wisdom and strength I don't yet possess but may be able to share with someone down the road.

This morning my loving husband went with me for the initial "results consultation." I was really hoping for, "This was all just a big misunderstanding. You can go home now." But no. The pathologist who read my biopsy results said, "I hate to be the one to relay this kind of news, but I have bad news and I have good news. Yes, you have cancer. But the good news is, it is totally treatable and you WILL get through this."

God got me through this consultation without so much as a tear drop. I'm amazed, really. My prayer warrior friends should not give up, because sometimes I really don't know how to pray.

It seems that the papillary glands (did I say that right?) are the problem. And breast feeding three kids did not prevent it. Nor did the fact that no one in my immediate family has had breast cancer. So much for "the odds."

My next step is to visit with the breast cancer surgeon, Dr. Klade, at Edward Hospital. I trust she is great, because the rest of the team has been extraordinarily empathetic and informative. Before I left the consultation, I already had an appointment with the surgeon for July 3. At that appointment, the treatment options will be ready for analysis. I have my 'druthers, but I need to hear her recommendations.

And once again, my loving husband will go with me as a second set of ears. Because, you know, anything after the word "cancer" just sounds like .... blah blah blah blah blah...

No, thank you. But thank You, Lord, for Your provision. It could have been a whole lot worse. This is a "small" cancer compared to what could have been. And, note to self, quit with the assumptions! I assumed the lumps were nothing more than the calcium deposits like my mom had and what I've had before. Bad call.

I will fight. God will have His way. But please keep praying.

Signed ~ a new member of the "No, Thank You" club

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