Weak in the Knees

Have you ever seen something that made your legs go weak? These seem to fall into certain categories for me, but mostly it is of the physical infirmity kind. I'd never be a good nurse!

Anyway, I was returning from our monthly Highlights meeting this morning, heading for the street and thinking that this would probably be the last day I'd want to wear the shoes with open toes. It's getting a bit chilly, and I could feel the breeze sneaking into my instep.

Just as I was reaching the curb, a woman passed in front of me. She was shuffling along, and if she had been pushing a shopping cart, I can assure you I would have safely assumed she was homeless. Her footwear was flip flops.

I glanced at her feet as she shuffled by and saw that her leathery heels were split wide open. May I remind you that she is wearing flip flops and has no "heel" on her shoes.

As I crossed the street I began to sway and had to shake myself of it lest I collapse on the pavement. The sight did indeed make my knees go weak.

What could I have done? No money in my purse to give her for a new pair of shoes or at least some cream for her feet. My shoes would have been of no help to her. That opportunity is past.

But I can be grateful.

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