Let it Snow!

Usually I wouldn't say that, because I'm no longer a kid who can pull out the toboggan and head for a hill. No, I have to drive in the stuff. But today was a different matter.

Largely due to the fact that Moody Bible Institute employees come from a 100 mile radius to Chicago, and the weather went anywhere from ice storm to 12 inches of powder, we actually had a snow day today! Here in lovely northern Plainfield (makes it sound rather large) we got a layer of ice, followed by a few inches of white, then nicely coated again with glaze.

While the weather was transitioning from snow to rain again, it was warm enough to get some of the chunks off the cars and sidewalks. Good news, because we're expecting teen and single digit temps and chills in the next few days.

But did I take the day off? Only to the extent that I didn't feel guilty taking a nap this afternoon. Otherwise, I finished up several emails, plans for catalog, and general details.

Ah, yes, those are good days...

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