Happy Thanksgiving!

According to the quiz, we are celebrating Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday as of the 1930s (?) or was it 40s? Oh, well.

The appetizers are about ready to roll over to Ingrid's house. And we'll be rolling out of their house later today if we're not careful. The chocolate chip pecan pie is out of the oven. The spinach dip is ripening in the refrigerator and hawaiian bread torn for its merriment. The Macy's parade is playing in the background. Sausage has browned with peppers and onions for the wonton bites. Veggies and fruits cut. Meats and cheeses and crackers in their respective platters.

Will there be room for turkey and smashed potatoes and sweet potato pone and green bean casserole, etc? You bet!

Oh, and I forgot those cute little Pilgrim Hat cookies I found on familyfun.com made with shortbread cookies, marshmallows, melted chocolate, and I substituted a square of Life cereal for the buckle rather than frosting.

But I could get lost in all this, and very nearly did. I'm really thankful. I can see the keyboard. I can smell the food. I can pay the bills. I feel the warmth of a house. I will see my two grandgirls, and know my two grandsons will be together today. No one in our family is in the hospital (today!). And as far as the Lord has revealed, our family will all be celebrating the Lord for eternity. Now THAT is something to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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