Guilty as Charged

I was charged with being non-traditional. I was charged with being negative. And I'm guilty on both counts. You see, I already sent out the Christmas letter, but I sent it out as a PDF to those for whom I had email addresses. Hence, the "non-traditional."

Then I was charged with being negative, because, well, 2008 had some pretty negative things happen - more so than previous years. So, yes, it did sound negative.

But let us not grieve like those who have no hope... that's a quote from Scripture. And I believe it, but sometimes my head and my heart aren't exactly lined up. Rats! If only I could be perfect.

So, here is the offending letter: Begins with...

Can you gift wrap 2008, please, and send it somewhere else???

Maybe that’s a bit strong, but I believe that 2008 has been a trying one for much of the world. So much so that we are looking forward to Jesus’s return even more! Joy to the World, let the Lord come again!

Good news and bad news in the Elfstrand household for 2008:

Mark and Rhonda still have their jobs...yea! And for the most part were healthy the whole year! Another yea! Travel for fun and profit included. Pictures can be found at We are hurting (and praying) for our kids - does that ever stop??? Find Rhonda on Facebook.

Marshall and Lara have had a stressful year, but are first to say that God is sustaining them through it all. They moved from Boise back to southern California, but couldn’t sell their home, so are losing money on renting it out. Shortly after the move to southern California, they began to notice developmental problems with Timmy (16 months old at Christmas). Just before Father’s Day, they got the diagnosis of Leigh Syndrome (Leigh’s Disease), a rare and incurable mitochondrial disease. Updates can be found at

Adam and Britany have had a stressful year in other ways. They finally were able to move into their own place and were grateful that both of them were fully employed, but then the other shoe(s) dropped. Half of Adam’s office was laid off, including Adam. Just previous, Britany had postponed back surgery for a herniated disc so that their new year insurance could kick in. Not to happen. Oliver (21 months at Christmas) is a cute and active redhead. They keep some pictures and fun blogs going at and

Ingrid and Andy have had their share of stresses, with the housing market going south, and Andy wishing to go fulltime with CEF ministry, but not having the income to go with it. Shortly after moving into a home in Naperville, their basement flooded. Ashley (3 years, 9 months at Christmas) is now attending preschool and loving it. And Amberleigh (16 months at Christmas) is just the most lovable little girl ever. Find Ingrid on Facebook (a lot!) with updates and pictures.

Mom and Dad Sawyer have had some health issues this year, but are currently doing well and appreciate the friends and relatives that live near them. Grandma Nelson celebrated #99 on November 1!

So, there you have it. Guilty!!! Lord, help my unbelief.

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