The Big versus the Little Picture

Complicated...that's what personal and national economics are...complicated!

Since I don't allow anonymous comments on this blog, I got a personal email regarding something I said about voting. I wanted whoever may read this blog to see the comment and my response. Again, this would be a very looooooong blog if we were to discuss all the historical ramifications of bail outs, personal responsibility, self-government, etc. So this is just the tip of the iceberg.


I was just reading your blog...and since it won't let me comment (no anonymous or "name" option), I just thought I would write you an email...
I noticed on the day before voting day, you were saying all the things to vote for.
One of them you mentioned was to vote for independent, not state run, healthcare.
That kinda stung, especially since you know that my family and [others]have both been on (and are currently on) public aid. You voting to not have health insurance for us is just painful to think about. Not to mention all the other people that can't get jobs or healthcare.
What we SHOULD be voting for is for the insurance companies to lower their ridiculously high rates for independent purchasers. Because right now, my family can not afford 500 dollars a month for insurance that doesn't even cover everything!

just food for thought....

My response:

In general, a person’s individual autonomy is to be respected above the government having control over your life. I, too, was on state aid when [our firstborn] was born. I appreciated it was there, which is a two-edged sword. And yes, the economy needs to cause insurance companies to be more reasonable with their premiums and payments. Doctors are having a hard time (ask Sue Claydon) paying their own bills. So it is a really hard thing to think about.

There are also Christian insurance companies that are more like co-ops, where people pay in what they can, and then draw out when they need it.

We really should be taking care of each other, rather than depending on the government. In the meantime, and in the day to day, you do what you have to do to take care of your family, and that is what you’re doing. But in the big picture, the more we depend on the government, the more the government will control our lives from the cradle to the grave. Not a good picture.

More food for thought…

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