Swamp Land in Florida

Well, as referred to in a previous post, that "swamp" land in Florida finally paid off. By the way, we still have another lot if anyone is interested ...

Anyway, after giving our tithe, we have had a bit of fun -- paid off a bill, bought a 56 inch TV (HD all the way!!!), and today we treated Mark to an I-Pod and me to a replacement computer -- an I-Book. Wow!

Also, we'll be joining Ingrid and Andy for a trip to Dallas, to congratulate Andy on his Masters in Biblical Studies. One of the grandmas will most likely be holding Miss Ashley while Ingrid concentrates on Andy's every step down the graduation aisle.

This is a small taste of what it would be like to not be in debt. We're on the way. And if I can encourage anyone reading this ... please pay cash for all but your house! This indebtedness is a downward spiral into monetary slavery. But as I said, we're on a plan.

Yea! In the meantime, we're sure enjoying the fruits of this investment. Viva la Citrus Springs, Florida!

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