The Ides of April

Alas and alack. It is tax day. Ours were mailed yesterday, grudgingly. We're thankful we were able to pay ... based on a Florida land boom. There is talk about abolishing the IRS. With all due apologies to those who may work for that office ... yea!!!

How did our country function -- through the greatest industrial revolution ever -- with no income tax? What was it that possessed FD Roosevelt to saddle working Americans with back-breaking income tax, and thereby demotivating the inventor, the entrepreneur, the corporations who employ a majority of workers, and ushering in the entitlement mentality? Certainly income tax revenue has caused an attitude of gluttony on the part of centralized government.

The cry of "unconstitutional" comes to mind. I mean, that phrase has been used for all kinds of non-issues. Someone needs to read their Constitution a bit better, as well as the Bill of Rights. We were never supposed to be taxed... nor is it a constitutional right to kill a baby (now I'm stepping into another realm) ... nor is "separation of church and state" anywhere to be found in either document.

Start reading history, folks, rather than rewriting it! And perhaps if we got back to our roots, we may start growing again. Until then, the flowers will be choked off by taxes and finance charges for those who can't afford to pay their taxes.

I will render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. But I will also raise the question of constitutionality of federal income tax!

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