
Swirling around in my brain are some aches, a few glitches, some green tea, and a mental calendar of today, tomorrow, and the coming months. It's a good thing that God is in charge, but I wish I'd remember that more often. Family with medical concerns and uncertainty (what isn't?), international travel, relational kicks in the shin, and just the general angst of life.

Rats! Reaching down deep into that swirling melee I can reach the bedrock of something I know to be true: eternity is real. My finite mind cannot grasp it, and so my brain continues to ache. But if I set every one of my mundane concerns up against the timeline of eternity, somehow they no longer seem important.

Matthew 6:34 (New International Version) as Jesus says:

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Was that meant to be encouraging?

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