Chapter 2: Family Court

From Take Care of My Child…for a While by Joyce Sawyer

At first, our food and milk were too rich for him. I had also cut down on his rice too quickly. After a while we got all that remedied.

The women of the Chapel gave us a shower and we received several much needed items. We had given our other baby things away many years before.

After Ricky had been in our home for a month, the case worker came to see how we all were adjusting. Everything was going fine. After six months, she notified us that a date was set for us to appear in Family Court with Ricky. The date was in December. The judge would then make the final decision about the adoption.

Usually, at this time, the natural mother may also come. If she can show she is now able to provide for her child, she may ask to be awarded him. The judge often rules in favor of the natural mother. Since Ricky’s mother had signed a release, we did not think she would show up.

I dressed Ricky carefully and we drove to Tokyo. As we waited for our turn before the judge, I watched every young woman who came by, and I held my breath as she walked past us, hoping that Ricky’s mother had not decided to change her mind at the last minute.

Finally, it was our turn. I wet a hanky from the drinking fountain and quickly wiped around Ricky’s mouth. I wanted to get the last traces of juice off, so he would make a good impression.

We sat before the judge, with our case worker explaining that we wished to adopt Ricky and take him out of the country when our assignment was completed in Japan. The judge asked Dale if he would provide for Ricky, care for him, and see that he was properly educated. Dale answered that he would.

Somewhere along the way, Ricky had found two rubber bands. All the time the judge was talking, he was playing with these. Then he let one fly across the room and went scampering after it before we could grab him. That rather broke the solemnity of the occasion.

We were pronounced the new parents of Richard Toshio Sawyer. It was a happy time and a relief. Ricky was really ours.

Chapter 3 to follow

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