Chapter 13: A Dream

From Take Care of My Child…for a While by Joyce Sawyer

A flashing red light. The machine is malfunctioning! I awoke with a start. What a terrible dream. 

Then I jumped out of bed. The machine was hidden from my bed but the light WAS flashing. The alarm had been turned off at some earlier time. I turned off the machine and ran for the nurse. The fluids had run dry and blood was being pumped out of Ricky. He had been on an electric IV machine for days.
I rescued my boy. No, the dream had done it. Thank you, God, for a dream.

I was often asked by the other mothers staying at the hospital how I could sleep at night and be awake instantly; how I managed without alcohol or drugs or even aspirin. I always said that it was because I believe in God and He is with us and He cares for us.

He helped me through the long hours—Ricky’s torturous treatments and drug therapy, and the constant emotional strain. 

Chapter 14 to follow

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