Might as Well Admit it, I'm Addicted to ...

Do you supposed God "gifted" us with addictions? Something in us wants to either be devoted to something (or someone) or at its zenith... addicted.

I find that just like the "whack the mole" game, my addictions just switch places. When I think I've got one mastered, another pops up. Perhaps I'm addicted to shopping online. So I quit cold turkey and, voila, I'm staking out Dairy Queen for the latest Blizzard flavor every day. Neither is true, but I do find that when I'm relying on food, for example, my reliance on the Lord wanes. And when my food love is under control, my love for the Lord increases.

This may not be true for everyone, but if you look at my waistline, you'll get a pretty good indication of how my soul relationship is doing. Right now, it is inversely related. Not a pretty picture.

Remember Anne of Green Gables? She spoke of her "besetting sin." Mine shows itself in too much food. What's yours?

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