I Blame it All on Mondays!

Or I could blame it on the Sixties. The 1968 Congress that decided to begin the unraveling of history. Ever since, we've leaned on convenience rather than truth (oh, now *that's* an inconvenient truth!). Instead of celebrating Lincoln's birthday on February 12, it's whatever Monday Congress declared. And Washington's birthday...February 22, but unless you read the fine print on your calendar,you and your kids just assume you get a federal holiday somewhere in February.

Not that this was an intentional dismantling of American history, but I do believe it has served as such.

It's sad to watch our generations lose their moorings because they don't know history, or the importance of that history.

So, it is with equal distaste that I come upon my Grandmother's 100th birthday. Oh, no, I'm excited about her turning 100, don't get me wrong. But part of the family decided it would be convenient to hold her birthday a month earlier than the actual date. I can feel my skin starting to crawl. "She turns 100 on November 1," I want to scream! But no, October 3 is more convenient.

I'm considering a boycott, but that would only look like I didn't care about Grandma, so I'll be there, Lord willing. However, since I can't stand the thought of her birthday not being celebrated properly, ssssssshhhhhhh, I may actually show up on the real date, too!

Viva la history!

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