Happy Mathers Day Rhonda Family!

At the end of the meal, the wait staff took our picture and presented me with a paperframed photo with the caption... Happy Mathers Day Rhonda Family! We've laughed about it ever since.
So why am I weeping this morning? I don't have any right to. I received yellow tulips from my hubby on Friday (so I would have them in the house for our house-guests on Saturday), and on Saturday I received a gorgeous bouquet of red roses from Marshall and Lara. Tonight I will go to the "in-laws'" house to have dinner with Ingrid and family.
Part of why I'm weeping is my heart breaks for Lara this Mothers Day. Empty arms instead of a card and kisses are really hard to bear when, all around you, mothers are being feted.
And I ache for Britany who really would like the family to be their own little family. I truly hope that God's hand will clearly be shown - perhaps even the influence of a daughter on her mother and father during this time.
And I'm being selfish, because neither son and family are here. And because not even my hubby said Happy Mothers Day this morning until he saw me weeping over my latte. And because the mothers had to plan their own dinner... I should really do the honorable thing and just bite my tongue on that one, but this is my blog, right?
I had better make a plan for Fathers Day. I don't want him to have to plan his own dinner; that is, unless he really wants to. Nah, barbecue somewhere with the family in the evening after sloppy joes for lunch- that's the plan!
There's a big difference between self-sacrificing and martyr. Which will I be today?