Gonna Wing It

Our friends, the Wingers, are coming to visit this afternoon. I haven't seen them in years. They were very close friends when we lived in northern California, and he was our family dentist. Jacque is a gem.

We left northern CA the last time in 1991. Seems like yesterday, but I'm sporting more gray, a set of progressive bifocals, and a whole lot more pounds. Now, I ask you, are you embarrassed to see people you haven't seen in a long time? Am I the only one?

And then there's the house. We have never, and I mean never, made a killing in the real estate market. Every time we move, we start at ground zero. Need I tell you what a successful dentist who rides the market has in the foothills? Gorgeous. Now I'm in the coveting category as well as the slippery slope of having my husband feel like he hasn't provided. We do well, mind you. I'm proud of my hubby and thankful for all God has blessed us with over the years. But we've also made some bad decisions financially. 'nuff said.

Which leads me to this afternoon. Lord, protect me from apologizing for my home. Put me aside and grant me the spirit of hospitality.

It is what it is. We are what we are. We're gonna wing it.

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