Nazis. Fascists. US politics.

That ought to make you wonder, huh? The headlines today are shocking. For a generation who has never read the truth of history...and another generation who decided to rewrite history...there is shame and future shock coming.

The public seems not to be able to see past the media hype and the end-of-the-nose stimulus packages. Read history and you will see what a scary road we are traveling. The picture is much bigger than our pockets, folks. I wish I knew who to attribute some of these quotes to, but one has to do with "woe to the nation who discovers the deep pockets of government."

Ask the people who have socialized medicine. You DON'T want to go there. This country was built on individuals, inventions, freedom. With every finger government has in our lives, it creates a clenched fist around our throats.

This could very well be the generation that sees why the US is not listed among the nations around when Jesus returns.

Pray for pre-trib. Prepare for post.

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