The FAT trap!

I was just reading in Genesis 45 where Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers, tells them about the next five years of famine, and encourages them to come back with the entire family to Egypt. Pharaoh agrees and sends carts with them, saying that they needn't bring much in the way of furnishings because they will be allowed to live on the FAT of the land in Egypt.

For anyone who has read the "rest of the story" (as Paul Harvey would say), we're thinking, No! don't do it! You'll end up enslaved for the next 400 years!!! I know the prospect looks like an answer to prayer now, but don't get trapped by the trappings! Just take the food and go!

So, the question becomes, when God answers our prayers, can we get trapped in or by the answer? Have we given more credence to the "stuff" of answered prayer than the character it is intended to produce? The richness of our relationship with Jesus?

I think I'm trapped in the fat layer.

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