Merry Comcast to you

Comcastic, they say. I have digital voice, they say. Yes, we have digital voice, and we have cable modem, and we now have reached the 21st century with HD DVR. But when I took my day off to return the "old" HD box, how was I to know that it just might take the entire afternoon???

Business thrives on competition. But when there is no competing company, customer service goes down the tubes. After all, why does it matter if 10 people are waiting in line, only one person is serving them, and that person seems to be a temp! If we had a choice, then - all other things being equal - customer service would be a HUGE deciding factor. But since we don't, we all stood in line, once in a while making a snide comment, but otherwise quietly waiting for that ONE person, uninformed as she was.

Now, I anxiously await the next bill to see if what she did was correct...

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