National Day of Prayer

Although I don't remember it first hand, I understand that when I was a child some schools practiced prayer for "ourselves, our parents, our teachers, our country." This morning I will pray for those same things, but in a formal setting on the National Day of Prayer.

I will expand "my parents" to include my husband and children. I will expand "our teachers" to include my co-workers. And "our country" will specifically be our president, our troops, and as Jesus commanded -- the peace of Jerusalem.

This morning, explosions went off in front of the British consulate in New York. Thugs, terrorists, bullies on a grand scale. In their finite minds they must think they are accomplishing something. The prayers of the righteous accomplish more in a millisecond -- within the will of God.

And on that rambling, I'm going to catch a cab for the breakfast. Indirectly, I will be praying for you.

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