Communicate to Failure

I thought I would share a recent request from my "little" brother Dan, because I've been so out of blogworld touch lately. This should bring any prying eyes up to date ... And remember that as with all email trails, you have to read from the bottom up!

Hey there, Danno!

Oh, yeah, we got kind of side tracked about the job, and the Christmas cards are woefully behind (due to the fact that I've been paying a lot of attention in other directions).

If the job hadn't come looking for me, I probably wouldn't have looked at it, but there's something about that story -- "The Lord said, 'I sent three life rafts for you, and you didn't take them.'" So, if this is my "life raft" then who am I to disregard it? Enough for the pontificating ...

My new job title is "Vice President of Homeschooling and Special Markets" for New Dimension Media (a division of Questar Video). The senior v.p. markets to public libraries and school libraries. I will be heading the division that markets an online curriculum directly to homeschoolers and through Family Christian Stores. From budget planning, analysis, projects, marketing. ALSO, Questar has several family-friendly videos that are marketed through Family Christian stores, and I'll be supporting that market.

There are trade-offs, of course. I really love the people at Moody, but there were also frustrations with being able to do my job through all the layers of red tape. One of the little things I'll miss is FREE PARKING! Yipes! I have to park either in the building where I'll be working (680 North Lake Shore Drive) or right across the street, and they range from 280 - 380 a month! The public transportation doesn't run anywhere near our home, and then is another mile-plus at the other end. So driving is still my best option. Oh, well, at least I'm used to it. Oh, and no, I don't have a lake view. Don't even have a window. But at least I'm no longer in cubicle world. I will have a door!

Since the office is only about a mile away from Moody, I have plans to meet some friends for lunch every once in a while, about halfway. Plenty to choose from. :-)

So, there you have it. Somewhere between all the details and the Readers Digest Condensed version.

You should be receiving a package shortly, if it hasn't already arrived. And want to let you know that your card is dutifully sitting beneath the tree. Hmmmm, thanks in advance!

I'm off to make some French toast for Ingrid. Andy returns today, and they'll officially move into their new home. We're going to put up some window treatments sometime this morning. And then I have to scramble to get ready for Christmas. I am SO behind!!!

Love and blessings,
Your big sister!

> Hi Sis,
> You had mentioned once recently about an interview ... but you didn't
> mention with whom. So I guess you got whichever job it was and
> this is your
> two week notice e-mail.
> Drop me a note and let me know what you'll be doing.
> Love,
> Dan

> > Please note the following changes: as of December 31, if you are
> lookingfor the advertising manager, please contact John Hinkley
> ( If you are looking for Rhonda Elfstrand,

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