
Until three years ago, I didn't think "conflicted" was a bonafide term. But now I are one! No, just kidding.

Boy or girl? (I expect you to eat this post after you read it, because it shouldn't be around when the next generation can put sentences together.) If you had asked Andy or Ingrid two weeks ago what gender of baby they preferred for a firstborn, they would have concurred that they wanted a boy. Ten days ago Ingrid underwent the ultrasound that was to dispell all doubt, and what do you know ... they had a modest baby! Not to be fooled, they made another appointment. One week ago today they anxiously waited as the ultrasound tech patted and rolled and otherwise looked into the inner realms of the baby's home -- you might say it became a "womb with a view!" Ah, I've always wanted to use that line!

The baby fluttered, sucked a thumb, scratched the head, and finally, finally, came around to where the tech could get a good look at ... it's Ashley Nicole! I understand that the conflicted feelings quickly disappeared as they saw this wonderful miracle. And, of course, when the Fetal Photos set the wonder to music, well, there wasn't a dry eye in the place. I can hardly wait to see that ultrasound!

I heard just this past week that Focus on the Family is doing fundraising for Crisis Pregnancy Centers. And what are they providing? Ultrasound machines! Do you know why? Because there is just no denying that there is a little person in there, kicking her legs and arms, sucking her thumb, yawning, and doing somersaults ... all getting prepared to breathe the air of our world. How exciting! Where there are ultrasounds available, the statistics go up to 90% -- the number of women who choose life over death and dismemberment. So, you can bet that if I find out where they are taking donations, I'll help out in some small way. I would like those mothers to see the same breath-taking miracle that Ingrid and Andy saw.

And when you see the little tiny hands, and the teeny tiny feet, and the kicks and punches ... no more being conflicted.

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