Feed a cold?

The cold that is making its rounds at our office and family knocked me down starting Friday. It takes its own sweet time going through its cycle - sore throat, runny nose, headache, dry cough, croupy cough. I'm in the cough stage, with a bit of the nose and headache hanging on.

If you talk to a type 1 diabetic, they'll tell you that a high blood sugar can signify an infection. And of course, when a person's blood sugar is up, they don't need to eat. I know that a cold is a virus, but viruses will also elevate the blood sugar. So that tells me that, no, you don't feed a cold or a fever - just wait until the stomach growls. That will give you a clear indication of when to eat.

And there is the simplified medical training for the day. Without a license, and no charge.

I think I feel a headache coming on. Time for a nap.

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