I remember

Puget Sound
mud flats
Puget Sound Freight Lines and seeing the water lap the slime covered posts beneath the office
scruffy whiskers
a buzzing razor
the musty smell of an attic
the huge brick bbq fireplace in the back yard
the deep freeze
shelling peas and snapping beans
shopping for fireworks in a pickup truck
walking to the beach through a treecovered trail
boots hitting the floor in the middle of the night - volunteer fireman that he was
"hit me in the stomach, girlie!"
"How do you feel, Grandpa?" "With my hands! How do YOU feel?"
Sitting in church
Pounding nails
A handmade heirloom play kitchenette
burnt toast and coffee (no decaf!)
bacon whenever Grandma would let him have it
99 years of strength
79 + years of steadfast love for his wife
stories of trucking with nitro glycerin
stories of the Great Depression
kisses whenever a white horse was seen
kisses whenever Grandma gave him his eye drops for glaucoma
his wishing to live to 100
prostate cancer that ate at his bones
a death rattle
the promise that the first sight he'll see is Jesus face to face!
Grandpa, we love you

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