
Showing posts from November, 2004


Definition: not to be believed. But you can believe it: The Incredibles is a great movie! Caution for kids under 8 perhaps, just because of cartoon violence, but other than that, another superb Pixar movie. I am not your typical movie critic. I don't know all the lingo for the nuances of theatre. But in my humble opinion, this movie has what it takes on several levels of excellence. First, the animation work is top notch -- what else would we expect from Pixar, right? Secondly, the story line is enough to keep an audience engaged, from preschooler to grandparent. But what tops it all is the message of the story. THAT is what is so refreshing about this particular film. It is all about using the gifts you have, for a higher purpose, and what happens to the hope and emotions of an individual who is not using their gifts to their full potential. Amazingly, it totally affirms marriage, longsuffering love, family ties, and upholding one another. But never in a preachy way -- ...

Underwater Birth

Hahahaha. I'll bet I got your attention on that one! Actually, I'm speaking about my breakfast... sorry. Pomegranate sounds downright decadent, doesn't it? When I was in fourth grade, I remember meeting friends behind the schoolhouse at lunchtime or recess and digging into an exotic treat -- a pomegranate. Now, how we got such an exotic fruit in Conrad, Montana, I'll never know. Unless you did it just right, it was a fairly messy thing to open and eat. I have since gained some experience in this skill. So this blog qualifies as a fluff piece today. Never hurts to have something that takes the mind off current events or the cares of the day, like a post regarding the optimum way of mining a pomegranate! First off, there are some real benefits to eating a pomegranate, not the least of which it will cure your curiosity about this biblically mentioned fruit. One serving size (fruit exchange) of a pomegranate is 1/2 cup. Doesn't sound like much until you start tak...

The State of the Union

I find it quite amazing that this country can be almost so evenly divided. Yes, President Bush took more votes , and a higher percentage of the vote, than any other president in the past couple of decades. But 51% is narrow. It certainly does not constitute a landslide, and that is what concerns me. What has happened to the conscience of this nation? Obviously, 49% of the population no longer has a moral compass upon which to make their decisions. President Bush is very upfront that his compass is the Word of God. It is also disconcerting that 49% of the voters no longer think that the individual should be responsible for self-governing. They would rather abdicate to government involvement in every area of life. On this matter, the populace is quite schizophrenic -- wanting total personal license, while holding an entitlement mentality. Perhaps that isn't so schizoid after all -- "it's all about me." Have we forgotten that the "government" is to be rep...


Until three years ago, I didn't think "conflicted" was a bonafide term. But now I are one! No, just kidding. Boy or girl? (I expect you to eat this post after you read it, because it shouldn't be around when the next generation can put sentences together.) If you had asked Andy or Ingrid two weeks ago what gender of baby they preferred for a firstborn, they would have concurred that they wanted a boy. Ten days ago Ingrid underwent the ultrasound that was to dispell all doubt, and what do you know ... they had a modest baby! Not to be fooled, they made another appointment. One week ago today they anxiously waited as the ultrasound tech patted and rolled and otherwise looked into the inner realms of the baby's home -- you might say it became a "womb with a view!" Ah, I've always wanted to use that line! The baby fluttered, sucked a thumb, scratched the head, and finally, finally, came around to where the tech could get a good look at ... it's...