I’d Rather Dye!
Why in the world would I be showing you this silver streak down the top of my head? I’ll admit that I’m vain when it comes to the color of my hair. Kudos to my friends who rock the gray, but I’m not there yet. You see, this particular gray streak is important to me. In July of 2018, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a single mastectomy that same month. God is good no matter what. He walked me through that, providing family and professionals along the way. And I got through it without chemotherapy … all hair follicles intact. In December of 2021, I had the obligatory mammogram. The images came back “inconclusive.” A survivor doesn’t like to hear or see those words. So I was scheduled for another mammogram at the beginning of January 2022. “Distortion.” Now scheduled for a followup ultrasound that same day. “The radiologist will meet with you shortly.” Oh great… BI-RADS 4A. This is a designation of how concerned the radiologist is that the findings may be cancerous. T...