Nana Elf … and Changing Cars

There’s always good news and bad news. The best news is that I am the beneficiary of a new (to me) car. That is exciting. More good news: I didn’t go into debt to get it, due to the generosity of our firstborn! More good news: the sun is shining and the temp is hovering around 50 degrees. More good news: I was flattered by some people with whom I was commiserating at the DMV. So here goes the bad news: The other day, when I would have liked to register the new cars and transfer license plates, the line at the DMV was excruciatingly long. So a day later I figured I’d try another facility. Yay! No line! Alas, that was because the facility was CLOSED due to COVID. Since the sun promised to shine today, with mild temps, I decided to return to the original DMV and just stick it out. I can do this! In these times of virus protocols, the lines are definitely long because of “social distancing.” But I also remembered in previous dealings with the DMV that there are separate lines for lice...