The Beauty PC
What I’m about to say/post goes against the politically correct thought of the day. Every woman is beautiful. And to that I say … hogwash! When God created the heavens and the earth, he declared them “good” and they were good. As Christians, we believe that sin entered the world shortly thereafter, causing all sorts of havoc and destruction, including the destruction of life itself. First, man (I use that term in the generic sense) died spiritually, followed by physical death. And thus our need for a Savior. But somewhere along the line, well-meaning Christians have bought into the lie that things are still “perfect” or that we should accept the ugly as beautiful. Wait a second! It started out beautiful … but it went downhill from there. Built into every one of us is the innate discernment of beauty. It is what causes us to sigh at a beautiful sunrise or sunset. But, please, don’t be disingenuous and call every woman “beautiful.” I’m sorry (no, I’m not), but it just plain i...