
Showing posts from May, 2011

Are those Wrinkles Painful?

This blog might hurt. I know the impetus for it sure did. I roiled and boiled and thought and considered on my entire hour commute, ruminating over what I felt was an unfair treatment of women of my age. Recently, a coworker and I were discussing how we feel that we are becoming "invisible" and were trying to figure out when that happened. When did we walk into the room and no one cared we had arrived? When did we go from gaining appreciative looks from passersby to a slight nod of the head, if any acknowledgment at all? And if wrinkles caused pain, we'd be in a world of hurt. Wait... maybe we are in a world of hurt and nobody is paying any attention. Many of us use Facebook to reconnect with people from previous schools, workplaces, and geographical locations. With that in mind, I belong to a group of former students (we didn't all graduate from there) of a DoD high school. This morning I was notified that someone had posted on that group's wall, and here is what...